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ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standard, is an internationally recognised quality standard which is increasing numbers of businesses demand from suppliers and contractors as a prerequisite to tendering. It is rapidly becoming the most important quality standard. Thousands of businesses in over 150 countries have already adopted it, and many more are in the process of doing so. ISO 9001 is appropriate for any organization that seeks to improve its operation, regardless of its sector or size.
An evaluation body certified by UKAS has proved that it complies with best practice and is competent to deliver a consistently reliable, impartial and accurate service which meets the appropriate, internationally-recognised standard.
Certification to ISO 9001 will demonstrate to your customers and suppliers that your business is running professionally. It proves that you continually strive to improve business processes and that you monitor and control service standards.
Many businesses are not securing contracts with Councils, Local Government, large corporate and construction companies due to a lack of certification. This has resulted with smaller unsecured contracts and does not allow them to plan ahead. You don’t want to be excluded for quoting for large contracts and business opportunities because your company does not have this important certification.