Screening & Vetting is an umbrella body to the many organizations. After that, we are able to ensure the suitability of individuals for any given position.
Call Us: 07898 205035/020 8090 4209
Screening & Vetting is an umbrella body to the many organizations. After that, we are able to ensure the suitability of individuals for any given position.
▶ 5 years of employment verification
▶ Proof of ID & UK right to figure
▶ Proof of address
▶ A legitimate SIA license or completing basic disclosure/ACPO
▶ Coverage of any 31+ day employment gaps
Benefits of Screening & Vetting BS7858
How can we help ?
We can help you to gain or maintain your approved contractor status with the security industry authority (SIA). ACS Consultancy Group has been vetting licensed activities since the start of SIA licensing in 2005.
Get in touch with our friendly team, if you are looking for additional guidance and advice on BS7858 Screening.